Monday, April 8, 2013

Google Makes inventor Tesla Model S So Batmobile

CALIFORNIA - modification on vehicles is usually always depends on the needs and desires of the owner. Inventor of the world's largest search site, Google, Sergey Brin, has a unique taste in cars Tesla Model S hers.

Men born 21 August 1973 21 special modifying his car to mark the beginning of April that is usually filled with the April Fool's joke. Tesla Model S his physique changed with the addition of the Batman logo on the hood, wings on both rear fenders are similar to the style Batmobile.

Whole body covered with bright pink color, and if considered in more detail, wheels are used on this car has a Google emblem.

The picture above was taken when her glasses while using Google, along with a friend driving around town with the sunroof open.

At the moment Google is developing several feature projects in the car, such as self-driving car and Glass eyewear Google, the search engine company's employees nicknamed "Batman".

"If only she used all her costume may be the Batman skill he was able to quickly find an alternative to Google reader," as quoted by Yahoo (04/05/2013).

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