Saturday, April 13, 2013

Specialist dealer thief in action in the UK

KENT - Action theft in the UK deepened. A pack of thieves launched an action to tackle the new Mercedes Benz car wheel at a dealership in Tonbridge, Kent, England.

Reported by Inautonews, wheel rims that is not stolen but the display is mounted in the car. No half-tangung, thieves thrash 13 cars at once from a dealer that is locked.

According to reports, the thief is a two-person entry to the dealership after the break the lock and use power tools to remove the wheel.

Losses from theft is estimated at 18 thousand pounds or the equivalent of 268 million. Lucky actor hurried caught before eliminating evidence.

"The thief was caught. Aftermath officers did a great job in pursuit of the perpetrators. Teams try to gather key evidence, track down the two actors and eventually bring them to justice," said DC Mark Ansdell.

This case certainly adds to the long list of theft involving dealers in the UK. Last report, a flock of thieves prowl Vauxhall dealers in Buckinghamshire. 12 units Vauxhall Corsa stripped of its parts such as bumpers, headlights and velgnya.

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