Saturday, April 13, 2013

Stress, GM Employees Want Suicide

MICHIGAN - An employee carmaker General Motors (GM) in Romulus, Michigan, tried to commit suicide. Attempted suicide was suspected by the working conditions at the assembly plant.

Reported by Inautonews, the incident occurred at approximately 06:05 local time, when a worker at GM's assembly plant in Romulus engine threatened to commit suicide using a gun.

Beruntungya, local police managed to persuade the workers to give themselves and persuade the employee to cancel nitnya for attempted suicide.

Captain Joshua Monte said the employee parking lot immediately evacuated at the factory. After the incident, police found a gun that turned out to carry a gun is empty or there are no bullets.

General Motors alone refused to discuss working conditions alleged by the employees. Romulus own factory has 880 workers and manufactures V6 and V8 engines for GM vehicles.

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