Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Parking for the Disabled in place, the Minister Criticized

CARDIFF- George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, received a storm of criticism when knowingly parked his car in the disabled spot belongs to, the fact is captured in a photograph that was launched Dailymail (09/04/2013).

The Minister looks stopped to buy her lunch at a fast-food restaurant after his visit to Cardiff. Arriving in the parking lot, while waiting for the minister, Land Rover driver parked his car in the parking lot for the Disabled.

As rumored reliable sources, the Minister revealed in front of the door, then immediately went to buy the fast food. When the boss is not there, the driver was parked in the Handicap.

"The minister will not forgive anyone who intentionally disabled parking in the area. But he did not know about this incident." he explained.

While another eyewitness said, "I can not believe it, not so crowded parking lot, there is still plenty of space for public parking." he says.

Richard Hawkes, Scope of charity claims that this incident indicates how people with disabilities are not touched in the UK. It was also likened to rubbing salt in the wound that makes disability is a victim of welfare reform.

It is understandable if the driver is a police officer and is actually legal to park anywhere. But this incident became the campaign with disabilities, they use it to protest due to welfare funds withheld by the government, and accusing Osborne arrogant.

They also added a scene when Osborne decided to sit in the first class when boarding the train, he had only enough for a standard class ticket. George Osborne just said he did not know anything about it.

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